Our Mission Statement

We strive to provide a safe and welcoming environment where people can enjoy a refreshment and/or play a game no matter their age, sex, race, gender, or beliefs. We hope for our customers to unlock their imaginations, have fun, and make new friends no matter their level of gaming experience.

The Inspiration Behind Our Store

My uncle, Curt Isley, was a big-hearted, funny, warm, and caring person. He really loved gaming of all kinds, and especially enjoyed sharing his love of gaming with others and bringing new players (newbies), into the gaming family. In the early 2000s, Curt, my mom (his sister), and my dad formed “ Round Table Games” with the plan to open a gaming store that Curt would own and operate. However, due to certain circumstances, the store never came to fruition.

Uncle Curt shared his love for gaming with me and the rest of the family each time we gathered together. We have very fond memories of those gaming sessions with Curt. Unfortunately, Uncle Curt passed away unexpectedly in September of 2020. My parents and grandparents (Curt’s parents) started a gaming foundation in his honor (which is operated out of the store and you can learn more about it at www.thecurtisleygamingfoundation.org).

But the thought of Round Table Games stayed with me, and so I approached my parents and we decided to make Curt’s dream a reality. Along with my love for gaming, I have a passion for making coffee. Having had an extensive background as a barista, I thought it would be a great idea to combine the gaming store with a café! That way his dream comes to life, but it is instilled with an innovation of my own. An open space will be provided for all who want a table to game on. You can enjoy a drink and a snack in the café area and bring along family and friends to play games with. We will also be holding special events throughout the year for you, your friends, and your family when you are looking for something to do with your evenings. Even if you do not play games yourself, come along and enjoy the buzzing environment of a community who does.

Our goal is to operate the cafe and gaming store in a way that is clean, safe, welcoming, and comfortable for everyone and provide people with an avenue where they can unlock their imaginations, have fun, and make new friends!

We look forward to seeing and meeting you soon!

Reith Layman